Layer 4

“If You Will Back Me Up:” Love, Honor, and Technology in the Civil War

A monument in downtown Carlisle memorializes county soldiers who sacrificed their lives a century and a half ago. There is life and meaning to the 171 names carved in stone. Men abandoned beloved wives and children to fight for their beliefs, women persevered and prayed, childhood friends fought on opposing sides, and valiant heroes emerged from the call to defend their nation. Depravation, victory, and loss are conveyed through the inspiring and devastating experiences of area residents. Throughout we will survey the significance of munitions technology, expanding transportation systems, and improved communication; all of which introduced the prototype for 20th century warfare and laid the groundwork for the industrial revolution.



Essential Questions:

What was the role of the county and its citizens during the war?
Why did people from Pennsylvania fight in the war?
How did technology impact the method of warfare?
What role did Pennsylvania play in the Civil War?
How did new technologies add to the horror of war?
How did women contribute to the war effort?
Why was the end of the Civil War a major turning point in American history?
How am I connected to people and events from the past?
What patterns develop in the course of history?
How are cause and effect shown throughout history?
How do historical and social events shape the future?

History Standards:   8.1 A,B,C,D    8.2.3 A,B,C   8.2.6 A,B,C,D    8.2.9 A, B,C,D 8.3.3 A,B,C   8.3.6 A  8.3.9 A,C,D   8.4.6 A,C   8.4.12 A,B,C,D   

Reading Standards:
1.1.5.A,G 1.2.A 1.3.A,F 1.6.A,B,D,E


“Your presentations are great and it is a lot more fun than learning them in regular class.  I always learn so much when you come in and it’s a fun way to learn. All your artifacts and clothing make everything more real and make it easier to understand everything. I can’t wait to learn more.”
         Jesse Z.